Top 10 One-Liners to Go From Salesperson to Trusted Advisee

Top 10 One-Liners to Go From Salesperson to Trusted Advisee

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Sales is an art form. It requires techniques, skills and A LOT of practice. The thing about sales is that there are key opportunities in the sale called “golden moments.” The golden moment is the point where your sale can go one of two ways: really good or really bad! The key is to know the right thing to say at these crucial times — and often, it isn’t what you would expect.

When you’re in the depths of a sale, there is a lot of pressure building between you and your potential customer. Your job as the seller is to release this pressure for them. How do you do that? Reverse psychology. As a natural part of the sale, you and the customer are positioned on two opposing ends. To overcome this, you need to join them on their side. Step out of the salesperson position, and think, reason and talk like them. Want to see how to achieve this? Let’s jump into my top 10 one-liners to make the golden moment yours.

Related: 8 Simple Keys to Becoming a Better Salesperson

1. Acknowledge past hesitations

“Obviously, you would’ve (insert action of your sale) if it was right for you.”

Here’s the deal, people have reservations, and it’s crucial to acknowledge them upfront. It demonstrates respect for their judgment and decisions, and it creates an environment of mutual understanding. It’s not about overriding their concerns but aligning with them to find the best possible solution. Bring a voice to their concerns. Make them valid. The more you hear and reflect your customer’s concerns, the more they become open to you.

2. Prize frame technique

“I’m not sure if this is going to be a good fit, but we will just have to see.”

This one’s golden, and it must be done when the sale is going well! It subtly communicates that what you’re offering is valuable and desirable, requiring a proper fit. It lets the client know you’re as discerning as they are, evaluating if your offering aligns with their needs. This fosters a partnership approach rather than a hard sell. What you’re doing here is taking the decision-making from the customer to yourself, strengthening their desire for what you’re offering.

3. Address the elephant in the room

“Everyone wants to save money; I’m just here to ensure this is the right fit for you.”

Let’s face it, we all want to save a buck or two. By bringing this mutual understanding to light, you’re creating an alliance with the customer. It shows that you’re not just there to make a quick sale but to genuinely find a fitting solution for them. You are making them feel they’re not just a number, but a person to you. Bring this one out early to build transparency and authenticity with your customer after your initial rapport has been established.

4. Tie down the obvious

“If I could offer gas for a dollar cheaper per gallon, would you want to know?”

Simplicity and relatability are key. Positioning your offering in everyday terms makes it accessible and appealing. You can edit the example to something that is similar to your own sale. It demonstrates to the customer the “no-brainer” aspect of the deal you’re about to propose. If they’re not interested in obvious benefits, they might not be your ideal client. And that’s okay! Knowing this early on saves both parties valuable time.

5. The pull back

“Do you have (insert a problem) that could affect (insert an issue)? We need to assess that.”

Maintaining control and creating investment is crucial. By pulling back at the right moments, you’re not just throwing in the sale; you’re strategically positioning the customer to be part of the process, ensuring they feel valued and heard. You are using reverse psychology here. By pulling back, the customer feels they can trust your word more. Nothing is without problems. If you practice this, you not only take back control of the sale, but you tell your customer “I am realistic, and this is a sale you can trust.”

Related: 7 No-Brainer Strategies to Close More Sales by Getting Customers to Trust You

6. Smile and inform

“If you decide this isn’t for you, I at least want you to have the right information.”

Information is power. A friendly demeanor paired with the provision of valuable information creates a positive interaction, regardless of the outcome. It’s about leaving them in a better place than they were before they met you. This one-liner is great at moments when you can see the customer pull back. Like the pull-back liner, this signals to the customer they can trust you. By outlining the value you bring to them, they can see the value in the sale.

7. Jump on that bandwagon

“Let’s see what some of your neighbors are doing and weigh the pros and cons.”

This is about leveraging social proof. People often find comfort and validation in knowing what others are doing, especially their neighbors. It’s not about following the crowd but providing a broader perspective and additional reassurance. If the customer doesn’t have neighbors to compare, find another group. Perhaps you’re selling computers, and students are regular customers of yours. Speak about your customer base as you know them. “I have many art students come in for this model of computer for design. We should weigh the pros and cons for you.”

8. Quick exit for time-wasters

“Like I said, I have another appointment.”

Time is of the essence. This line allows you to transition away from less serious prospects gracefully. It underscores the value of your time without dismissing theirs, maintaining professionalism and respect. Re-emphasize the fact you have said this before. It helps you to transition out of the dead-end interaction politely and efficiently.

9. The pressure relief valve

“Yeah, I wouldn’t do that either.”

Sometimes, agreeing with a customer’s concern is the most effective way to build rapport. It alleviates pressure and shows your human side — that you’re not just a sales machine but someone who understands and respects their viewpoints! Say the unexpected. Remember: You need to join the customer on their side of the equation. Walk in their shoes with them, validate their concerns, and make them feel safe. Sometimes all that is needed is to just hear them out.

Related: 10 Qualities Separating the Extraordinary Salesperson Apart From the Pack

10. Here’s the catch

“Here’s the catch: Most companies don’t want you going with (insert product) because of how (insert good attribute) it is.”

The key here is to turn the strength of the product into a weakness. This same technique is used in interviews when interviewees need to say a weakness of theirs. Customers always expect a catch! If there isn’t one, that is likely a suspicious sale. Make a strength of your product its weakness, and satisfy this expectation of theirs in a way that works for you.

And remember — practice makes perfect! And no two sales are ever the same, even with the same product. With time, you will know the golden moments where you can use these one-liners to go from salesperson to trusted advocate to the customer. Join them, be their friend, and take off the sales hat from time to time. Your transparency and authenticity is the biggest asset you’ve got, no matter the product!

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